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Jeff Innocent Net Worth

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Jeff Innocent Wikipedia


Multi award winning comedian Jeff Innocent has reached legendary status among his peers and audiences alike by staying at the top of his game for over 20 years.

His unique appeal lies in the contrast between his east end ‘geezer’ appearance and demeanour, and his educated, philosophical delivery and culturally relevant subject matter. 

Always original, he continues to cement his position within the history of British stand up comedians with his regular performances on the UK and world live comedy circuit and has recently acquired a whole new generation of fans, through his online viral video clips.


Jeff Innocent started his comedy career in the mid 90’s at the age of 41 after a colourful and eventful life. He was born in the mid 1950’s and grew up in London’s east end. His family included a father and brothers best described as ‘entrepreneurs’. Jeff’s artistic tendencies took him in a different career direction however and over the years he has worked variously as a window dresser in the trendy 70’s world of London’s Kings Rd and Carnaby St fashion shops. A Jamaican music DJ, an interest he maintains. And in 1987 he went to university as a mature student to study Cultural History at BA and MA.

As a teenager he was part of several drama groups that included the Newham Youth Theatre and the East End Soapbox Theatre, Appearing regularly at the radical Half Moon Theatre in London’s Aldgate. It was in 1996, after a gap of 25 years, that Jeff resumed his passion for performing by enrolling in a stand-up comedy course (a 40th birthday gift) tutored by the legendary alternative stand up pioneer Tony Allen. Since then Jeff has performed stand-up comedy not just in the UK but in such far flung and unlikely locations as Viet Nam, Abu Dhabi, China, the Philippines, India, Norway, South Africa and Kuala Lumpur to name just a few.

As well as his stand up comedy Jeff has also been able to pursue a modest acting and writing career, including several TV and movie performances and contributing to various publications and websites on a range of subjects. 

He still lives in London’s east end and his passion for performing and teaching stand up comedy remains undiminished with age.

Comedian Jeff Innocent: ‘Social media has liberated this old bloke’

The standup on the best advice he’s ever been given, performing on the London Eye and becoming a viral sensation

Jeff Innocent Photograph: Steve Best

How did you get into comedy?
I’ve always enjoyed making people laugh and I was in drama groups during my teens. In the late 80s I went to a couple of alternative comedy clubs, which were sprouting up in rooms above pubs around London, and thought, ‘I would love to do this.’ For my 40th birthday a friend enrolled me in a standup course run by one of the main architects of alternative comedy, Tony Allen.

Who did you look up to when you were first starting out?
Tony Allen. He remained a mentor and friend until his recent death. The other comedian I admired – and still do – is Alexei Sayle.

Can you recall a gig so bad, it’s now funny?
I was booked to perform in a pod on the London Eye to a corporate group from America. They were obviously more interested in the historic sights of London so in the end I ditched my act and gave them a (fictitious) history lecture of London. I still smile at the idea that there are Americans who think the Romans built Tower Bridge.

Last year clips of your standup amassed tens of millions of views. What’s it like becoming a viral hit at the age when most people are retired?
Very exciting. Although it takes some getting used to, being recognised and doing selfies, often several times a day, and in unusual places like in the hospital, by the nurse, whist actually having an X-ray. But the exposure has meant that I can now do a national tour of theatres based on the new audience that I’ve developed through Instagram. Social media has allowed me to build a direct relationship with fans of my comedy independent of traditional gatekeepers like TV producers and management companies. Social media, which is normally associated with young people, has liberated this old bloke.

Any bugbears from the world of comedy?
Don’t get me started. At the moment, it’s stools on stage and crowd work. If you think you might need to sit down or have a drink during a 20-minute set on stage, you should seek medical help. And if your comedy is based on asking people what they do for a living or where they are from, maybe you should be working in a job centre.

You touch on potentially contentious topics in your standup. Is there a trick to dancing the line of what’s perceived as “edgy” comedy?
No trick. I put trust in my intentions and convictions. But more importantly I don’t set out to be edgy, just funny.

What’s been one of your all-time favourite gigs?
Winning the final of the British comedian of the year at the Comedy Store in 2021 was definitely a standout moment.

What’s your upcoming tour show, Smart Casual, about?
Smart Casual is not a concept or themed show. It’s more a greatest hits hour because most of the audiences on the tour will be Instagram followers who have never actually seen me live before. The term “smart casual” is one that I play with in my act.

Any preshow rituals?
My preparation begins when I start to get ready at home. Choosing my clothes, thinking about what I’m going to do on stage. It’s from that moment that I get focused. Getting dressed is a big part of my ritual. Almost like going on a date.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?
“Know who you are, know what you’ve got to say and get on with it” – Tony Allen.


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