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Isabel Aaiún Net Worth

Isabel Aaiún – Wikipedia, Net Worth, Age, Biography, Assets are discussed here.

Isabel Aaiún – Wikipedia

Isabel Casado , known artistically as Isabel Aaiún , is a Spanish singer of the Neo-folk genre.

Isabel Aaiún Net Worth


Born in Madrid , but raised in the town of Veganzones in Segovia , she comes from a family of shoemakers. Since she was little, she was surrounded by horses and learned to be a rider and falconer, one of her dreams being to dedicate herself to music, reflecting a life guided by passion in all its facets.

Personal Information
Birth1987, Madrid, Spain
Professional Information
OccupationSinger, Dancer
PseudonymThe Wild Filly

Isabel Aaiún is on everyone’s lips.

The singer from Segovia released her first single Potra Salvaje in 2021 , an iconic feminist song that defends women’s freedom and struggle against the adversities they face. The song was a modest success, however, in 2024 it has become a huge hit thanks to its virality on social media.

On TikTok, there are more and more videos that include a faster, more aggressive remix of this single, which has reached more than five million views on YouTube in just three months.

But who is Isabel Aaiún and what else has she done besides this viral song?

Isabel Casado -her real name- is a 37-year-old artist born in Madrid, but raised in the town of Veganzones in Segovia . Since she was little, she was surrounded by horses and learned to be a rider and falconer, although her dreams of dedicating herself to music came to her thanks to a collaboration she released with Lagarto Amarillo called Mano rota .

As she told Segoviaudaz , this gave her the push she needed to launch her own solo career: “The collaboration was going very well and people were surprised by the girl who sang, which was me. So, from there I came up with the idea of ​​suggesting to Pablo [Lagarto Amarillo] that he help me do something of my own.”

The result was Potra Salvaje , her first release. Later, Tacones de viento, A gasto la Calle or Soy feriante came out and in 2024 her debut album was released, named after her hit song.

Reference in the neo-folk style

All of them are framed in a neo-folk style , where they combine classic Spanish folklore such as Marifé de Triana, Rocío Jurado and Los Panchos. All of this accompanied by a modern and very current sound.

Isabel stressed in the aforementioned interview that the song was dedicated to all fighting women: “Women don’t want to fight, but we also don’t want to have to fight with anyone for what is rightfully ours. I think it’s always good to be reminded every morning that, as a woman, you are free to decide how you want your life to be and that you are capable of anything you set your mind to.”

Musical Career

At the end of 2021, Isabel Aaiún made her stage debut with the release of her first song, ” Potra Salvaje “, in the municipality of Narros de Cuéllar . This song, with an epic atmosphere that includes elements of fair and pasodoble, conveys a message of courage, love and forgiveness, and celebrates free and independent women. The video clip was recorded in an abandoned livestock shed and in the Hermitage of the Virgen del Pinar in Cantalejo .

The artist from Segovia reflects her essence in each of the songs on her first album, “La Potra Salvaje” (Níquel Records). Her lyrics and melodies, influenced by Spanish popular culture, achieve a significant connection with her audience, which continues to grow. In this album, composed with Pablo Mora ( Lagarto Amarillo ) and produced by Michel K. Lowan, Isabel Aaiún presents a variety of styles, from the rumbas ” A gasto la calle “, ” La Laca ” and ” Mano rota “, to the pasodoble of ” Soy Feriante ” and the ranchera of ” La Partida “. All of them are framed in a neo-folk style, where she combines classic Spanish folklore such as Marifé de Triana, Rocío Jurado and Los Panchos. All of this accompanied by a modern and very current sound.

“La Potra Salvaje” has had a notable impact, starting with a remix with DJ Fernando Moreno, which went viral in May 2024, making this artist land on the Spanish music scene, accumulating more than 12 million plays and reaching the top positions in the most prominent playlists on digital platforms, reaching number 2 on the most viral songs in the world.

Isabel Aaiún Net Worth, age and More

‘Potra salvaje’, Isabel Aaiún’s first single that is sweeping the networks

Isabel Casado, known in the music world as ‘Isabel Aaiún’, is causing a great impact on social media through her first single, ‘Potra salvaje’, which she released with a video recorded in Cantalejo. Born in Segovia and a native of Veganzones, the 34-year-old singer has been linked to the stage since she was little and in 2020 she signed with the company Níquel Records for her debut album.

The song is available on platforms such as YouTube and Spotify, and has already had nearly 20,000 views since its release on December 1.

Letra completa de ‘Potra Salvaje’

Con la garganta llena de arena

y con el odio el orgullo y la pena,

así no puedo sentirme libre como el halcón.

porque el que canta su vida llena,

ven y cantemos el tiempo que queda.

seamos libres como el principio de una canción

no quiero hierro ni sed de venganza,

quien odia muere y quien perdona avanza.

le pido al cielo que pueda reírme de ser como soy

como una potra salvaje

que en el oleaje

no pierde el sentido

no quiero riendas ni herrajes

y en los homenajes

me pongo un vestido

ya tengo seis tatuajes

debajo del traje

por siete motivos

soy una potra salvaje

que va de viaje

a lo desconocido

nube que esconde la luna llena,

viento que al barco le arranca la vela,

si yo me fuera que pueda irme de corazón.

no quiero hierro ni sed de venganza,

quien odia muere y quien perdona avanza.

yo solo quiero curar cicatrices y ser como soy

como una potra salvaje

que en el oleaje

no pierde el sentido

no quiero riendas ni herrajes

y en los homenajes

me pongo un vestido

ya tengo seis tatuajes

debajo del traje

por siete motivos

soy una potra salvaje

que va de viaje

a lo desconocido

no quiero hierro, ni fuego, ni busco la miel,

ya no hay sed de ganar la revancha.

y si algún día la tuve una noche hacia el viento voló.

como una potra salvaje

que en el oleaje

no pierde el sentido

no quiero riendas ni herrajes

y en los homenajes

me pongo un vestido

ya tengo seis tatuajes

debajo del traje

por siete motivos

soy una potra salvaje

que va de viaje

a lo desconocido.

What will be the song of the summer 2024 in Spain?

Georgie Dann’s spirit must be restless these early days of July, realizing that, no matter how many years go by, the vague concept of the summer hit continues to hover over fairs, beach bars, and dance floors in Spain. Once again, nobody has a clear idea of which song it will be or how it is decided (nobody does, of course), although Spotify presents its own list of candidates and social media is filled with contenders united by their festive tone, the quest for a catchy chorus, and lyrics that steer away from the darker side of life to focus on the beach, relaxation, and above all, love. A long list of songs fitting this pattern compete to be the most listened to, including the following, released or making a comeback in 2024 with the imprint of heavyweight contenders like Karol G, David Guetta, Lola Índigo, or the everlasting Raffaella Carrà.

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